Expandable List
- Marois, T., McDonald, D.A., and Spronk, S. (eds.) (2025). Public Banks and Public Water in the Global South: Financing Options for Sustainable Development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Open Access.
- Marois, T. and McDonald, D.A. (eds.) (2023). Public banks, public water: exploring the links in Europe. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. 202 pp.
- Marois, T. (2021). Public Banks: Decarbonisation, Definancialisation, and Democratisation. Cambridge University Press. 320 pp. Awarded 2022-23 European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Joan Robinson Prize for Best Book.
- McDonald, D.A., Marois, T., and Barrowclough, D.V. (eds.) (2020). Public Banks and Covid-19: Combatting the Pandemic with Public Finance. Municipal Services Project (Kingston), UNCTAD (Geneva), and Eurodad (Brussels). 436 pp.
Número Especial: Bancos públicos y agua pública. Ola Financiera. Número 49, Septiembre – Diciembre 2024. Editores invitados: Susan Spronk. University of Ottawa, Canadá David McDonald. Queen’s University, Canadá Thomas Marois. McMaster University, Canadá
- Bancos Públicos + Agua Pública = ODS 6? David A. McDonald, Thomas Marois and Susan Spronk.
- El Banco de desarrollo KfW y el financiamiento de infraestructura hídrica en América Latina. Nadine Reis.
- Repensando los bancos públicos dinámicos para una transición verde y justa. Thomas Marois.
- Banca pública colectiva para el bien común en la región nórdica. Petri S. Juuti, Riikka P. Juuti and David A. McDonald.
- El Banco Popular y de Desarrollo Comunal y el Financiamiento Comunitario del Agua en Costa Rica. Susan Spronk, Karina Valverde and Thomas Marois.
- Asociaciones público-privadas multinivel para el acceso al agua en Buenos Aires. Melina Tobias and Devin Case-Ruchala.
- ‘Nadie puede competir porque nadie se atreve a prestar más barato!’ Ilbank de Turquía y agua pública. Ali Riza Güngen
- Marois, T. (2024). ‘Public Development Banks as Essential Infrastructure: The KfW, Covid-19, and Public Purpose’, Special Issue on Public Banks and Public Purpose, Review of Political Economy. Open Access.
- Marois, T. and McDonald, D.A. (2022). ‘Public banks, public water: exploring the links in Europe’, Special Issue on Public Banks/Public Water, Water International, 47(5), 673-690.
- Schwartz, K. and Marois, T. (2022). ‘Untapping the sustainable water bank’s public financing for Dutch drinking water companies’, Special Issue on Public Banks/Public Water, Water International, 47(5), 691-710. Open Access.
- Barrowclough, D. and Marois, T. (2022). ‘Public Banks, Public Purpose, and Early Actions in the Face of Covid-19’, Special Issue on Public Banks, Review of Political Economy, 34(2), 372-390.
- Marois, T. (2022). ‘A Dynamic Theory of Public Banks (and why it matters)’, Special Issue on Public Banks, Review of Political Economy, 34(2), 356-371. Open Access.
- McDonald, D.A, Marois, T. and Spronk, S. (2021). ‘Public Banks + Public Water = SDG 6?’. Water Alternatives, 14(1): 117-134. Open Access.
Public Banking Project Evidence Briefs are short, accessible, informative two-page documents designed to communicate data, research, and insights into the world of public banking. While produced by academics and researchers, PBP Evidence Briefs are intended to support a broad audience of scholars, policymakers, activists, CSOs, and think tanks engaged in public banking issues. Interested in a specific topic not covered here or wanting to prepare an EB for publication? Please research out to the PBP. All EBs are open access and freely downloadable.
- Güngen, Ali Riza and Marois, Thomas (2025). ‘Public Commercial and Universal Banks’, PBP Evidence Brief. No. 2025/02, McMaster University, Canada: Public Banking Project.
- Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Riza (2025). ‘Public Development Banks’, PBP Evidence Brief. No. 2025/01, McMaster University, Canada: Public Banking Project.
- Spronk, Susan, McDonald, David, and Marois, Thomas (2024). ‘Public Banks and Public Water in the Global South’, PBP Evidence Brief. No. 2024/03, McMaster University, Canada: Public Banking Project and Municipal Services Project.
- Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Riza (2024). ‘The World of Public Banks’, PBP Evidence Brief. No. 2024/02, McMaster University, Canada: Public Banking Project with Climate and Community Institute.
- Güngen, Ali Riza and Marois, Thomas (2024). ‘Public Banks 101: An Introduction’, PBP Evidence Brief. No. 2024/01, McMaster University, Canada: Public Banking Project with Climate and Community Institute.
- Zvric, A. and Marois, T. (2025). ‘Supporting Financial Inclusion Through Fee-Free Bank Accounts: Evidence from Around the World’, PBP Policy Brief. No. 2025/01, McMaster University, Canada, Public Banking Project.
- Marois, Thomas, Güngen, Ali Riza, Steinfort, Lavinia, Romero, María José (2024). ‘Input for UN Finance for Development Elements Paper: Fostering a Global Public Development Bank Ecosystem for Sustainable Development and Climate Action’, PBP Policy Brief. No. 2024/01, McMaster University, Canada, Public Banking Project.
- Marois, Thomas., Güngen, Ali Riza, Steinfort, Lavinia, Romero, María José (2024). ‘Fostering a Global Public Financial Ecosystem for Development and Climate Action’, T20 Policy Brief. G20/T20 Brasil 2024.
- Marois, T. and Volz, U. (2024). A Climate Bank for Viet Nam to Catalyze Green and Just Transitions. 2024 UNDP Policy Brief Series. United Nations Development Programme Viet Nam (in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva)
- Marois, T. (2023). ‘The potential of public banks to fund local quality public services: A policy brief for workers and trade unions’, Public Services International. 44 pages.
- Marois, T., Stewart, J., Marodon, R. (2023). ‘From Multi- to National- and Back Again: Realizing theSDG Potential of Public Development Banks’, Agence française de développement (AFD) Research Papers, No. 267. 31 pages.
- Marois, T. (2022). ‘Shaping the Future of EIB Global: Reclaiming Public Purpose in Development Finance’, Eurodad Policy Brief.
- Stadheim, V., Sengul, S., and Marois, T. (2022). ‘The Pandemic’s Promising Lessons for the Future of Green Public Banking Policy Insights for the UK Infrastructure Bank’, IIPP Policy Brief.
- Marois, T. (2022). ‘A bank for the public interest: Recommendations for the Canada Infrastructure Bank five-year review’, Commissioned by the Canadian Union of Public Employees. 30 pages.
- Marois, T. (2021). Opinion on the Finnish Climate Fund (Ilmastorahasto) Strategy. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Commissioned by the Finnish Climate Fund. 10 pages.
- Marois, T. (2019) ‘Public Banking on the Future We Want.’ In: Steinfort, Lavinia and Kishimoto, Satoko, (eds.), Public Finance for the Future We Want. Amsterdam: TNI, pp. 150-156.
- Marois, T. and Güngen, A.R. (2019). ‘A US Green Investment Bank for All: Democratized Finance for a Just Transition’, Washington: Democracy Collaborative.
- Marois, T. (2018). ‘Towards a Green Public Bank in the Public Interest’, Geneva: UNRISD.
- Marois, T.(2017). ‘How Public Banks Can Help Finance a Green and Just Energy Transformation’, Amsterdam: TNI.